
Family History & Genealogy Research

Bibliography of Carol P. McCoy, PH.D.


McCoy, Carol P., “McCoy Family of Tyler Co., W.V.” in History of Tyler County West Virginia, Volume 2, 2005—A Project of: Tyler County Heritage and Historical Society (Tyler County Heritage and Historical Society, 2005), 177-178

McCoy, Carol P., “Zacheus Allen,” in Joseph Crook Anderson II, editor, Maine Families in 1790 Volume 11 (Waterville, Maine: Maine Genealogical Society Special Publication 73, 2015), 3-8

McCoy, Carol Prescott, “The Windham, Maine, Almshouse Rules,” The Maine Genealogist (February 2016, Vol. 38, No. 1), 41-44

McCoy, Carol Prescott, “Rediscovering David Mitchell (ca. 1800-1829) of Troy, Maine in National Genealogical Society Quarterly (December 2016, Vol 104 No. 4), 283-293

McCoy, Carol P., compiler, Vital Records of Durham, Maine (Waterville, Maine: Maine Genealogical Society Special Publication 81, 2018)

Taylor, Maureen, A. and Peter M. Small with Carol P. McCoy, The Metcalf and Small Families—Some Descendants of Michael Metcalf of Dedham, Massachusetts, and Edward Small of Kittery, Maine (Boston, Mass: Newbury Street Press, 2018)

Psychology and Training and Development

Foster, Carol McCoy, “Early Childhood Recollections and Two Aspects of Life Style: Positive-Negative World View and Internal-External Locus of Control,” Ph.D. Thesis (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University, 1980)

McCoy, Carol P, “The Effect of Mental Set on Children’s Humor Response,” Master’s Thesis, (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University, 1974)

McCoy, Carol P., Managing a Small HRD (Human Resource Development) Department: You Can Do More Than You Think (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1993); reprinted Falmouth, Maine: Carol P. McCoy, 2002)

McCoy, Carol Prescott, Ed., Jack J. Phillips, series editor, In Action: Managing the Small Training Staff (Alexandria, Va.: American Society for Training and Development, 1998)

McCoy, Carol P. “Becoming a One-Person Consulting Firm” in Patricia Pulliam Phillips, editor, Jack J. Phillips, series editor, In Action: Building a Successful Consulting Practice (Alexandria, Va: American Society for Training and Development, 2002)

McCoy, Carol P., “Five Strategies for Running a Small Training Department,” in Susan C. Patterson, The Training Manager’s Quick-Tip Sourcebook—Surefire Tools, Tactics, and Strategies to Solve Common Training Challenges (San Francisco: Institute of Management and Administration (IOMA) and Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2003)

Contact Us

Carol P. McCoy, Ph.D
71 Willow Grove Road
Brunswick, Maine 04011


Our Mission

Every family is unique.
Dr. McCoy's mission is to help people discover:

  • Where did I come from?
  • Who are my kin?
  • What makes my family special?

In so doing they will gain a deeper understanding of their family stories, connect with kin, and create a family treasure to share.