Sponsor: Walsh History Center, Camden Public Library.
Date: May 9, 2009 at 10 am
Location: Camden Public Library, 55 Main St., Camden, ME 04843
Registration: To register contact Heather Bilodeau at 207-236-3440 ext 21 or
Creative Ways to Solve Genealogical Problems. Have you hit the proverbial brick wall or road block in your genealogical research? Is an ancestor or two eluding you and hiding from the census taker or the town clerk? Learn some solid strategies and ways to take a fresh look at what you've tried and what else you can do to find those pesky hidden ancestors.
We were pleased to have Carol speak at the 2009 Come Spring Conference, which was attended by more than 60 people representing midcoast Maine's historical societies, museums and libraries. Carol's presentation "Creative Ways to Solve Genealogical Problems" was fascinating, and her enthusiasm for the topic was contagious! Her real-life experiences kept her presentation lively and informative, and I learned many time-saving research tricks to help steer our customers around those genealogical brick walls.
Heather Bilodeau
Director of the Edward J. Walsh History Center at the Camden Public Library