Sponsor: Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society
Date: Wednesday, November 5th, 2011, 1:00 p.m.
Location: Jesus Christ Church of the Latter Day Saints, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Most of us dread April 15th, but old tax records can provide valuable clues to our ancestors' lives. In the early days of America people were taxed on their property, to repair and build roads (no departments of transportation), to support the military, and to provide revenue for many reasons. Learn about the types of tax records that may be available, where to look for them, and how they can help you solve genealogy problems.
Sponsor: The Westbrook (Maine) Historical Society
Date: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011, 1:30 p.m.
Location: Westbrook, Maine
Deeds are a valuable research tool especially when early probate records and vital records aren't available. Often overlooked, deeds can help you overcome problems and find lost ancestors. Learn how to make the most of land records in your genealogy research.
Sponsor:Pejepscot Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society
Date:Sunday September 11, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
Location:Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine
Most of us dread April 15th, but old tax records can provide valuable clues to our ancestors' lives. In the early days of America people were taxed on their property, to repair and build roads (no departments of transportation), to support the military, and to provide revenue for many reasons. Learn about the types of tax records that may be available, where to look for them, and how they can help you solve genealogy problems.
Sponsor:Rufus Porter Museum, Bridgton, Maine
Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011 and September 17, 2011, 9AM - 4PM
Location: Bridgton, Maine
Have you hit the proverbial brick wall or road block in your genealogical research? Is an ancestor or two eluding you? This hands-on workshop will help you learn crafty ways to succeed in finding new evidence and avoid common pitfalls. Learn some solid strategies and ways to take a fresh look at what you've tried and what else you can do to find those pesky hidden ancestors. Feel free to bring your lap top computer to class if you have one. Be sure to bring some genealogy problems to work on.
Sponsor: New England Regional Genealogical Conference
New Paths to Your Roots
Date: April 9th, 2011, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place and Springfield Marriott Springfield, Massachusetts
Deeds are a valuable research tool especially when early probate records and vital records aren't available. Often overlooked, deeds can help you overcome problems and find lost ancestors. This workshop focuses on Eastern states and shows how to get the most from deeds by using a systematic approach, analyzing relationships, locations, neighbors, and other clues. Several case studies illustrate using deeds to solve genealogical problems.
Road Show and Roundtable Host: Carol is also participating in the Ancestor Road Show on April 8th and hosting a round table on Maine research at the APG Luncheon at the Conference.
Sponsor:Pejepscot (Brunswick) Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society
Date:November 14th at 2:00 p.m.; social hour starts at 1:30 p.m.
Location:Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick, Maine 04011
Deeds are a wonderful tool for finding out the details of people's lives, especially when probate records have been destroyed as in Cumberland County Maine. Discover how to mine the secrets of deeds to learn about your ancestor's lives.
Sponsor:Rhode Island Historical Society Library
Date:Saturday 16 October 10:30 - noon
Location:Rhode Island Historical Society Library, 121 Hope Street, Providence, R.I. 02906
Cost: $8.00 for RIHS members; $10.00 for non-members.
Many people are frustrated when attempting to find their female ancestors. This fun and informative case illustrates tips for success and pitfalls to avoid in looking for the ancestors of a New England woman. The subject of this case was supposedly the oldest native Negro of New Bedford in 1928. This talk will inspire you to try new ways to find your female roots.
Carol McCoy and Marlene Drummond Silva, great-granddaughter of Mary Drummond
Sponsor:Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society
Date:October 2, 2010 1p.m. to 2 p.m.
(Come early at 12:30 for refreshments; stay after for the chapter business meeting)
Location:The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Cost: Free
This enlightening case illustrates how a creative approach and extensive search can uncover the parentage of a person of color born early in the 19th century. Learn how to use vital records, censuses, deeds, directories, newspapers, probate and cemetery records, and online resources to discover evidence to un-puzszle a genealogical mystery.
Sponsor: Brickstore Museum in Kennebunk, Maine
Date:August 14, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: Brickstore Museum in Kennebunk, Maine
Cost: $25 for a 25-minute session ($20 for museum members)
Registration:call the Museum at 207-985-4802
Are you the family genealogist? Need help reading and analyzing an old document? Want to write up your family history but don't know how? Stuck in trying to find immigration or naturalization records? Hit a snag with a lineage society application?
If so, then our Ancestors Road Show is for you! Book a 25-minute session with one of our visiting, skilled genealogists--all members of the New England Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists--to personally help you with your genealogy roadblock. Carol McCoy, Margaret Dube, and Pam Eagleson, have years of experience and expertise that can assist in answering your questions and advancing your research.
Sponsor:The Newport Historical Preservation Society
Date:August 21, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Newport Cultural Center
154 Main Street
Newport, ME 04953
Cost: $15
Registration:Class size is limited. Please call or email to register.
Phone: 207-368-5074
Fax: 207-368-2392
Web: www.newportculturalcenter.com
FMI Flyer (.pdf)
You can bring your lunch or reserve a box lunch for $10.>
Sponsor:Rufus Porter Museum Cultural Heritage Series
Date:July 7, 2010 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location:Stevens Brook Elementary, Bridgton, Maine 04009 Cost: $100 for members; $110 for nonmembers; $15 for materials
Registration: call 207-647-2828
FMI www.rufusportermuseum.org - Learn more about the Cultural Heritage Series Week!
Have you hit the proverbial brick wall or road block in your genalogical research? Is an ancestor or two eluding you? This hands-on workshop will help you learn crafty ways to succeed in finding new evidence and avoid common pitfalls. Learn some solid strategies and ways to take a fresh look at what you've tried and what else you can do to find those pesky hidden ancestors. Please bring your lap top computer to class if you have one. We'll have a chance to use the Internet.To register, call 207-647-2828; visit 222.rufusportermuseum.org